2945 Niles Ave, st. Joseph MI
A high-visibility commercial building is located in St. Joseph. Two buildings have a total of 7,271 square feet. This building has two sections. 2931 Niles Ave is a current office, exam room, large meeting areas, and one restroom. The next door is 2945 Niles Ave, previously used as a restaurant. It has large dining area, table and chairs, kitchen area and 3 resttoom utility room, a storage area. A large attached garage area is also accessible via a large overhead door off the alley. The seller has 29.5% ownership of the parking lot and alley. Shared parking is available on the west side of the building, and an alleyway to the east allows access to the rear of the building.
Floor Plans
2945 Niles Ave
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Presented By

Joy Schwarting
Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Affiliated
Get in Touch
2945 Niles Ave
St. Joseph, MI 49085